I've been reading lately about some of our fine men who have fought as Marines and as Navy Seals for our country. I am so moved when I think of how they literally place it all on the line for a great cause--the safety and freedom for the people of the United Sates of America. No doubt about it, they join knowing that they are placing their very lives on the line. Many of them end up paying with their lives, and guess what? They are glad to do it. Then, I think of OUR cause--the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the salvation of doomed souls who literally are hanging in the balance. Wow. I see so many parallels. I so want to think rightly (Biblically) about the mission we all have. I so want to think in terms of eternity and of the heartbeat of our Savior. Am I, Chris Peeler, really signed up knowing that the cost is my life? Do I really believe that following my Savior outside the gate--into the harvest fields--is real? Am I willing to endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ? Am I willing to pay the price?
Lord, please, please let it be so! Please make me willing to take up my cross daily and follow you. Please use me to save some!
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