Never give up in your attempt to pray for and plead with dear ones to come to Jesus.
For a year, we have preached to a dear old woman in the assisted living home in Pasadena, MD. Ursula is of German descent; her life story in pre-war Germany is a very sad one. Along with preaching the gospel week after week to Ursula, we have reached out to her, prayed for her, and taken an interest in her. Several months ago she asked to talk with me. People were surprised because she opened her heart about some very personal things; we had been told that she opens up to no one. Our ministry to Ursula has continued, and I am thrilled to say that there was a major breakthrough with her in early November. After one of our sessions, she indicated that the message of the gospel was beginning to get through. Two weeks later, Ursula told me, wide-eyed, that she had seen Jesus on the cross. After digging a bit, I discovered that God had given Ursula a vivid dream of our Savior on the cross. When I asked her if she knew that she was a sinner now, if she believed that Jesus had died for her salvation, Ursula very firmly replied, “Yes!” I then asked if she wanted to call out to the Savior. She unhesitatingly declared, “Yes.” What a joy it was to bow with dear Ursula, to hear her confess herself as a sinner, and to listen as she put her faith in Jesus Christ to save her soul.
Please continue to pray for Ursula and all the other Ursula’s at these homes. We desperately need the power of the Holy Spirit to move as we labor in this exciting harvest field.