Traveling up the Baltimore Beltway Thursday morning, once again, I was so aware of my weakness and need for the power of God. On my way to Paradise Assisted Living Home, I called my pastor and friend, Jack Cox. “Hey, Jack, this is Chris. I’m on my way to Paradise,” I said. Jack joked about wanting to come with me sometime because he’s always wanted to see Paradise. Then, I asked him to please pray for me for boldness and effectiveness in preaching the gospel to those dear old folks. Jack said he would, and there is no doubt in my mind that he did. Immediately, I called my friend, Glen Lindingren. Same request, same assurance. I find it is imperative to have prayer cover as we go into enemy territory to proclaim the gospel. Little did I know what awaited me that day.

After greeting the folks, I preached about the angel announcing to the shepherds, “I bring you good tidings of great joy.” “What was the big deal?” I asked. By God’s help, I boldly declared what a big deal it was indeed for the God of the universe to send His only Son to save us from our sins. Then, I shared part of a music video about Heaven with the group. Very inspiring. I had determined to individually MAKE THE GOSPEL KNOWN to residents while the video played.

I came to Angela. Angela, a dear Catholic lady of about 82 years, had listened to me preach week after week for some time. She always seemed uplifted when I finished, yet I was unsure about the state of her soul. We had an incredible conversation where I know she was tracking with me. She really listened! I spoke of the law, her sin, righteousness, God’s command of repentance, trusting in Jesus alone for salvation, “whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” After a lengthy conversation, where I carefully went over these issues, Angela was ready to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. I coached her some, but she prayed from her heart. Afterwards, she had the sweetest smile and said to me, “I feel peaceful and I feel a cleanliness.” I am trusting our great God that as this woman responded to the preaching of the gospel, acknowledged the wickedness of her sin, confessed that Jesus died for her sins and rose again, and called on the name of Jesus to save her, that God did a great work in her!

I cannot express the privilege I feel to be able to go with the gospel into these kinds of situations. To be able to kneel before a lady like Angela and to plead with her to be reconciled to God is the highest honor I could ever have. Thank you for your support and encouragement to keep MAKING THE GOSPEL KNOWN!


Sometimes I can read over things in the word of God and treat them so casually. But, when I consider this statement from Acts 17:30-31, I am taken back: God commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man He has ordained. THIS IS REALLY TRUE! This very moment, God commands the mail man, the doctor, the President, the college professor, the machinist, the pregnant mother, the grandmother, the Supreme Court Justices, your fellow workers, all your unsaved friends, YES, EVERYONE to repent. Judgment is coming. They must know it, but they only will know it if ordinary Christians like you and me will tell them.

I had to go to the root canal dentist on Monday to share the gospel with the folks who were there. While I was there, I got a root canal. What fun! I was able to get tracts into the hands of four of the staff, a copy of One Heartbeat Away from Eternity into the hand of the receptionist (I got a guarantee that she would read it), and a copy of More Than a Carpenter into the hand of the dentist (before he got my mouth open, I also got a guarantee from him to read it!). Why? Simply because, if they don't know Jesus, they are perishing. I want them to know the truth.