This (IS HELL DEAD) was the title of the feature article in Time Magazine recently.  What say you?  Is it?  If God is so loving, would He really send people to an eternal Hell?  Over the next week, I'll be considering this issue in our blogs.

Folks, this is a big, big deal, wouldn't you say?  Think of the ramifications--which ever side you come down on.  I've heard it said that since you and I would be hard pressed to send people to an eternal Hell.  And if we are hard pressed, and if God is infinitely more loving than we are, how in the world could He ever do such a thing?  Certainly, there may be punishment for sin, but, in the end, author Rob Bell, says, "Love wins."  Of course, this would mean that everyone somehow gets into Heaven.  Now, wouldn't that make sense if God is so loving?

And if that's the case, why worry?  Everything will be okay.  Don't worry, be happy!  God loves you and, in the end, that love will make sure you are in Heaven, no matter what you do or don't do.  No matter what you believe or don't believe.  And, come to think of it, why preach the gospel?  If Christ's death and resurrection ensure that everyone makes it, why knock yourself out to plead with others about their salvation?

And so goes human reasoning.  Don't these questions remind you of a little discussion in the Garden of Eden thousands of years ago?  Remember?  "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?'"
And, "You shall not surely die . . . for God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."  

Little has changed in those thousands of years.  The devil's tactics are predictable.  Get people to question God's Word, pure and simple.  Coax them to substitute their faulty reasoning for His perfect wisdom, revealed in His Words.  Then, the horrific slide down the slippery slope begins.  And its end is destruction, always! 

Has God indeed said, "Anyone not found written in the Book of Life will be cast into the Lake of Fire?"  YOU BET HE HAS!  How urgent it is for you and me to be awake and alert in the day we are in.  In the next blog, we'll consider God's actual words on the issue of Hell.  One final question?  If you were pressed against the wall on this subject, would you be able to make your position clear, based on the Word of God? 

To be continued . . .


The great apostle, Paul, in Acts 17:17, finds himself in Athens.  He not only preaches the gospel and reasons with folks about the gospel in the Synagogue, but also, in the market place daily, "with those who happened to be there."  I love it!  That's one of the chief goals of Making the Gospel Known Ministries--to equip Christians to be motivated, trained, and able to reason the gospel with whoever God brings across their paths.  Here is a great example of this from my friends, Jeff and Mary Bruns:  

We had a plumber, Dan, come out to give us an estimate for some work today. When he was getting ready to go, I gave him a million dollar "tip". I told him it had the million dollar question, "Are you good enough to go to heaven?" He indicated that he wasn't and we stared talking. We went through the law and the incredible gospel. I gave him a New Testament and the booklet "One Second After You Die". He seemed grateful.
When Jeff got home he called Dan to answer some questions. Dan told Jeff, "I really appreciated the pamphlet your wife gave me today." Jeff then encouraged him that this was the most important thing in life to consider. It's just so amazing to be having these life and death conversations with people...

Yes!  It is amazing to be called to be ambassadors of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Everywhere we go, PEOPLE ARE PERISHING, and they do not even know.  And guess what?  Like Jeff and Mary, we have the privilege to make the gospel known the them.  After all, that's our job!  We sow the seeds, our great God and Savior makes them grow.