Last weekend, we trained fifteen high-shcool juniors (with some of their parents) in evangelism. Wow! It was exciting. Through teaching, role playing, lots of discussion, and inspirational dvd's and cd's, the Lord helped us establish an eternal, gospel focus. The kids seemed to love it. And then.....we headed to the mall to practice what we learned. Oh, how I wish all of you could have been there. You should have seen these kids boldly taking baby steps in preaching the gospel.
Here are one of the girl's thoughts on the weekend:
Pretty sure that was one of the best weekends in my life.
Yes! It was SO neat that so many people our age were out doing that. So you know all of them from a co-op?
Going out to the mall and evangelizing was just so cool. I had never experienced such a feeling like that. Just knowing what God wants us to do and being obedient. I never realized how important sharing the gospel is... Like, I never really had before!
Praise be to God! If you would like to have training in sharing your faith (for your church or small group), let us know!
Here is a wonderful testimony from one of the friends of Making the Gospel Known Ministries, Joe. Joe has been to a number of our training sessions and has participated in a few witnessing adventures with us. Our goal is to train and equip believers, like you, to carry the gospel into every-day life. God is at work in many souls. He is preparing them for an encounter with the gospel, just like this gentleman on the airplane.
Could I ask you to consider something? Is it possible that the guy you sit beside on the plane, or the cashier at Walmart or the neighbor you chat with about the game or...(you fill in the blank) it possible that this person has a loved one praying for someone to preach the gospel to them? Could you be that person? Just the thought of it should thrill our hearts and give us motivation to plunge through the fear!
One more thought before you read the story. Notice the mention of the "good person test." What an effective way to share your faith! If you'd like to learn more, give us a call, and we can set up a training session for you and your Christian friends. Now, here's the story...
I was on an airplane this week and had opportunity to witness to a young guy who is in the airforce. He said that his wife has been "getting after him to go to church"...gave him the 'good person test' and then gave him the book that you gave to each of us the other night as I had just finished it. On the next connecting flight we sat together again. He had called his wife between connecting flights and told her about our conversation etc and she was pretty excited...also had opportunity to let three office cohorts hear that, contrary to popular belief, the Bible doesn't teach that 'good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell'.
I am very thankful for your ministry and friendship over the past
year. Your passion and zeal for sharing God’s plan of salvation is
encouraging and evident. The way that you lead, train, and shepherd
your flock on Friday nights is also a great encouragement.
Your ministry has profoundly altered the course of my life and my
walk with Jesus. I always wanted to share my faith before meeting you,
but never knew how or felt comfortable. Well, I am still not 100%
comfortable, but I now have the tools and training to share with people.
Sharing the gospel with people has opened my eyes to just how
many people don’t know Christ and to how many people are deceived.
It has also enabled me to grow in my relationship with God and gain a
richer understanding of how far I fall short and how great Christ’s
sacrifice was.
Sharing the gospel has also been a great new family activity. Our
family places a high value on serving together and enjoying activities
together. Our kids love to share the gospel and I can’t wait to see what
God has in store for them as they get older and are able to share more on
their own. So, you have helped me as a father be faithful to train my
children in serving the Lord.
Can’t wait to get out there with you again soon!
Your friend,