Ever hear of Shaquille O’Neal? He's one of the basketball greats of our time.
I recently read the following from Mark Cahill's newsletter:
I happened to read an article recently about Shaquille O’Neal. As I read it, I ran across a very interesting statement.
“I know I will play in the NBA next season,” said O’Neal. “International? No. The good thing about me and my career is I came in, did it my way, did more than expected. For every athlete or every great person, there’s a time when it has to end. When and if it ever ends it will be very graciously.”
“We’re going to have a big party. We’re going to have a ceremony, and the next thing I’ll be waiting for is the entrance into the place where your name will never be forgotten.
Of course, Shaq was talking about the Basketball Hall of Fame. Oh, to get your name in there; then it will never be forgotten. The problem? As Mark points out, if you were to go to the basketball hall of fame, there would be plenty of names that you did not know. Yet, isn't interesting that there is a yearning in every person's heart for immortality? But, I'm sorry, Shaq, you are shooting far too low!
In the book of Revelation, we are told that there is a very special book. If your name is in this one, then you will not only be remembered forever, you will also live with Jesus in total, joyful bliss forever. This, as you know, is the LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE. I do hope your name is in that book. If it is, do you realize that your call is to go passionately into this world to relentlessly pursue the lost, so they may have their names in that book? Please, dear reader, go forth boldly preaching the Good News so the Shaq's of your world may have "entrance into the place where [their] name will never be forgotten."
Making the Gospels Known Ministries
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