I think of words that I read by Francis Chan this year, as he was letting the enormity and reality of Hell impact his soul. He said the following: “. . . we shouldn’t just go on with life as usual. A sense of urgency over the reality of hell should recharge our passion for the gospel as it did for Paul, who, ‘knowing the terror of the Lord,’ persuaded people to believe.”
Oh, my friends, think deeply about this, not just in the comfort of your home, but especially as you move about in this life. People are really perishing at an astonishing rate! Unsaved people, and there are many of them, are bllind and walking off the edge of the cliff! How desperate is the call of Jesus to GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE.
May God give us much grace and compassion to, everywhere we go, MAKE THE GOSPEL KNOWN. After all, we must work the works of God while it is still day, for the night is coming when no man will be able to work.