“I’ve known Chris Peeler for over 30 years. He is a dear friend, a fellow pastor, and a humble servant. He is gifted to serve the Body of Christ in many arenas. I believe his greatest strengths lie in teaching parents to biblically instruct their children and in evangelism. We at Severn Covenant church have benefited from his teaching. I highly recommend him.”
~ Pastor Jack Cox
“Chris has dedicated his life to serving those around him and has blessed so many along the way.”
~ Brad Cleveland, Business Consultant
“Through both his teaching and his lifestyle, Chris has greatly encouraged me as a husband and a father. He is a gifted teacher. He has the ability to take difficult or sensitive concepts and make them understood. I can say without hesitation that God has used Chris to help me to grow in my understanding of the scriptures, but also to grow in my love for the savior.”
~Bruce Turnquist, Psy.D., Christian Psychologist
“It was Chris’s message, “Embracing an Eternal Focus” at a men’s retreat in 1997 that was responsible for my desire to enter the ministry. It had a profound impact on my life, and 11 years later I still listen to the tape 2-3 times annually for inspiration. I consider Chris to have the utmost integrity and Christian character . . . I heartily recommend him.”
~Pastor John A. de Sousa
“My wife, Jean, and I have known Chris for many years. He has been a friend and a true encouragement to us in many ways. He is not ashamed of the gospel, but instead is ready to shout it from the roof tops or whisper it into the ear of a downtrodden human soul.”
~ Frederick A. DiBlasio Ph.D., LCSW-C. Professor, University of Maryland
Open air preaching
One-on-one witnessing
Distributing gospel tracts (“Never go out without your tracts.” Spurgeon)
Evangelistic Bible Studies
Outreaches to nursing homes, assisted living homes, etc…
Short-term mission trips
Making the Gospel Known Ministries is ready to provide exciting teaching, equipping and practical experience to help you gain the confidence and skills needed to share your faith effectively and biblically.
Discover joy in fulfilling the Great Commission - your life will never be the same!
Training Includes:
• Encouraging instruction on overcoming obstacles to sharing your faith
• Cultivating compassion for the lost and rejoicing in the power of the gospel
• Inspiring DVD teaching from Way of the Master’s Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron
• Live video footage of real-life evangelism encounters
• Learning to overcome your fears in sharing your faith
Train and equip dads, moms and children to make the gospel known
Personality Profile evaluations to enhance family
relationships and thus promote a unified family vision for service
Parents will learn how to:
• Establish a Bible-saturated home environment
• Focus on heart issues
• Open a child’s closed spirit
• Deal with rebellion and disobedience
• Build close relationships that will last
Parents will learn how to:
• Use the teen years to prepare for adulthood
• Understand and combat worldliness at the heart level
• Raise godly standards in a relationship-rich environment
• Teach children about sex, purity, and romance
• Establish a God-focused vision for home life during the teen years
One-day evangelism course; includes classroom instruction and field experience
Parenting seminars
Workshops for dads and husbands
Preaching and teaching
Read what others are saying about our ministry
Making the Gospel Known Ministries exists to glorify God through in three ways:
We would love to have you join with us in these endeavors. Please keep an eye on our
calendar displayed below to see what we are doing and where.
If you could benefit from the service of MGKM, email us at mgkministries@aol.com or call 410-570-4481. If you are a pastor, we’d love to partner with you in helping to equip your people in evangelism and/or parenting the next generation.
If you are interested in making tax-deductible contributions, simply make your check out to MGKM and send it to Faith in the Family Intl, P.0.
Chris served as pastor of New Covenant Church in Arnold, MD, for 25 years. His ongoing passion to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to be the focus of his life’s work. This deep conviction, a growing sense of God’s call, and the confirmation of church leaders led to the founding of MAKING THE GOSPEL KNOWN MINISTRIES.
In addition, he does evangelism training and seminars in churches and in small groups, and he preaches in the pulpits of churches of varying denominations.