There is much joy in fellowship with Jesus "outside the gates." He is out there with the lost sheep all the time. Let's go out there with Him, to reach out our arms, our hearts, and to lift up our voices, heralding the glorious gospel to those who just don't have a clue. This is our call. This is our display of love to the perishing.
And always remember. There are two job descriptions when sharing your faith with an unbeliever. One is yours, one is God's. Yours is to SOW GOSPEL SEEDS. God's is to CONVERT A SOUL. You cannot do God's job, and He will not do yours!
I had the opportunity to visit a dear lady some time ago with a friend from church. This lady, 5 years ago, was hit by a heroine addict while riding on a motorcycle. Her whole life, in an instant, was changed. She is somewhat mobile, though, severely injured for life.
We showed kindness and compassion to her, as we proclaimed the gospel. She was insistent that she did not need faith, that she was going to be just fine, and that she did not believe that "fairy tale" stuff about Jesus. It was sad. But, she listened to the gospel. She heard both the law and the glorious news of Jesus' substitutionary death for her. And, she warmly received a copy of ONE HEARTBEAT AWAY FROM ETERNITY from us. As resistant as she was, we rejoice that we were able to plant good gospel seeds in her heart. May God have mercy on her. If you remember, please pray for God to open Amber's eyes.
Please, please open your heart to all the Ambers around you today. Witnessing is not an optional Christian activity. It is THE MISSION of the church. Spurgeon said, "The business of the church is the salvation of souls." Amen and amen! Please take the step of faith, and do your job--sowing gospel seeds for the glory of God. Leave the converting up to Him!
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