Wow! What a wonderful weekend last weekend. We took two teams out, one Friday evening and one Saturday afternoon. God graciously gave us crowds to do open air preaching to, and afterwards we had many wonderful one-to-one witnessing encounters. The gospel went forth clearly and boldly! Praise Him for gospel seeds sown.
One of the folks who heard the open air preaching was an agnostic doctor. He "just happened to be passing by." (Don't you love how God works His plans through seemingly haphazard human movements!) This was so exciting, because one of our team members spoke with this doctor who was troubled. He said that, though he was an agnostic, he was starting to search. There was something in him that knew there was more than just this created world around him! He heard the gospel that day, both in public preaching and in loving, personal conversation. Save him, Lord!
I was thinking about the words of J.I. Packer: " . . . if we love our neighbor, we shall muster all our initiative and enterprise to find ways and means of doing him good. And one chief way of doing him good is to share with him our knowledge of Christ. Thus, if we love God and our neighbor, we shall evangelize, and we shall be enterprising in our evangelism. . . We shall not inquire anxiously after the minimum outlay of effort in evangelism that will satisfy God. but we shall ask eagerly, and pray earnestly to be shown, just how much it is in our power to do to spread the knowledge of Christ among men . . . and . . . we shall give ourselves whole-heartedly to the task." Wow! Amen and amen to that. Help us Lord!
I was thinking today about a very simple reality. We've got it, and they need it. It's really, I think, that simple. What do we have? Only the GLORIOUS GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, who happens to be the Risen Savior of the world, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Great I Am, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, The Messiah. This gospel is truly the power of God to salvation to EVERYONE who believes.
I have to ask myself: Chris Peeler, do you really believe there is dynamite power in that gospel? And I must answer myself: YES! YES! YES!!! I do believe it. How about you, do you believe it? Please do. Great news--it's power is not dependent on me. It has power all by itself. My job is to transmit it.
We've got that gospel, and they, though they don't know it, desperately need it. And, our loving Savior has commissioned us to go and tell the world: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved."
Oh, my dear brothers and sisters, let's go then. Let's get out there--outside the safety zone of our comfortable homes and churches. Let's get out there where multitudes are--multitudes who aren't about to come to us. Isn't that what Jesus commissioned us to do? Yes, He did. And what a privilege for us to go.
It has been said that Jesus of Nazareth was the most loving man, most incredible teacher, greatest prophet that ever walked the face of the earth. At the same time, this Jesus, some say, spoke more of Hell than any one else in the Bible. Quesion: Why would the most loving man do the unthinkable and preach "hell, fire, and brimstone?" I ask this question to many folks I witness to. It may surprise you that most get it right. It really doesn't take a nuclear physicist to get this. Why? Because He knew for a fact that not only was it real, but that many were headed there. I will ask people this question: "If you knew that there were terrorists outside the door, ready to kill whoever walked out, and your friend was about to go out the door, what would you do? Answer: Do anything necessary to stop him. EXACTLY! Oh, that the church would wake up and see both the horror of Hell's reality and the call of God to be rescuers of men.
If Hell is Dead, someone better make an urgent appeal to Jesus Christ so He will be informed! Look carefully at some of His words:
Matthew 25:41--Then He will also say to those on the left hand, "Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels."
Matthew 13:41-42--The Son of Man will send out His angels and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Take some time to think and meditate on these words from the Savior of the world. Why? Because HELL IS NOT ONLY NOT DEAD, its gaping mouth is awaiting all those who die in their sins. As Spurgeon said, "If Hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for.:"
May God grant that His church comes out of its slumber. May He grant that we have Heaven-sent compassion that propels us out of our comfort zones out to where they are perishing!