Wow! What a wonderful weekend last weekend. We took two teams out, one Friday evening and one Saturday afternoon. God graciously gave us crowds to do open air preaching to, and afterwards we had many wonderful one-to-one witnessing encounters. The gospel went forth clearly and boldly! Praise Him for gospel seeds sown.

One of the folks who heard the open air preaching was an agnostic doctor.  He "just happened to be passing by."  (Don't you love how God works His plans through seemingly haphazard human movements!)  This was so exciting, because one of our team members spoke with this doctor who was troubled.  He said that, though he was an agnostic, he was starting to search.  There was something in him that knew there was more than just this created world around him!  He heard the gospel that day, both in public preaching and in loving, personal conversation.  Save him, Lord!

I was thinking about the words of J.I. Packer: " . . . if we love our neighbor, we shall muster all our initiative and enterprise to find ways and means of doing him good. And one chief way of doing him good is to share with him our knowledge of Christ. Thus, if we love God and our neighbor, we shall evangelize, and we shall be enterprising in our evangelism. . . We shall not inquire anxiously after the minimum outlay of effort in evangelism that will satisfy God. but we shall ask eagerly, and pray earnestly to be shown, just how much it is in our power to do to spread the knowledge of Christ among men . . . and . . . we shall give ourselves whole-heartedly to the task." Wow! Amen and amen to that. Help us Lord!


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